Are you in a long-term relationship with your iPod? Is it difficult to imagine not being together on a run? Maybe it's time for a trial separation to see if you are better off on your own.
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Breaking up with your iPod doesn't mean that you can't still be friends and spend time together, but just like a relationship that isolates you and keeps you from connecting to other people, places and things, your iPod may be causing interference with the world around you.
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But it was beginning to feel like a crutch, so I decided to wean myself off it during a few runs each week. I was reluctant to let go of my iPod, but to my surprise, I found that being "iPod-free" re-invigorated the running experience.
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Running without music made me fall in love with running again. Part of me had gotten to the point of thinking that I needed music to numb the boredom or pain of running. But lo and behold, without music I realized again that running = bliss.
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